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Building Code of Conduct

Establishing a building code of conduct in Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City is a step toward safer urban development and resilient communities. #OXFAM

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Together We Rebuild

Advanced simulation technologies are our window into future flood scenarios, guiding proactive interventions # CARE Nepal

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Education thrives in an environment of peace

“The path to lasting peace begins in the classroom, where children learn respect, tolerance, and hope.”

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Action speaks louder than words

Relief materials are being transported by FAYA Nepal to support earthquake-affected communities in 2072 BS.

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Rebuilding Lives

Aid is more than just relief; it’s a lifeline to restore dignity, hope, and a brighter future.

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In times of crisis, compassion transforms tragedy into resilience

When disaster strikes, the strength of our humanity is measured by our ability to stand by those in need.

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Practing for a Sustainable Agriculture

Advancing agriculture bridges tradition and technology to meet the needs of tomorrow. 

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Restoring Hope

Providing essential supplies such as food, clean water, medical aid, clothing, and temporary shelter to disaster survivors. #2072Earthquakesurvivors #Dhading#DCA#Caritas

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Endorsing and Enforcing Building Codes

Endorsing building codes not only enhances disaster preparedness but also lays the foundation for sustainable development and urban resilience. #OXFAM#Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolis

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Standing Strong Together

In times of disaster, we stand stronger together, offering hope and support to those in need. Forget what you can get and see what you can give. #MercyCorps #DhadingResponse

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Life-Saving Missions

Deploying rescue teams to disaster sites, conducting comprehensive searches to locate survivors, and safely rescuing them from hazardous situations while providing first aid and evacuating them to emergency shelters or medical facilities. #DCA

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Breaking the Silence

Empowering women with the legal protections they deserve and building a society that upholds their rights through collective voices and actions to create a world where every woman can live free from fear and discrimination.

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Good hygiene is the foundation of good health

From regular handwashing to keeping our surroundings clean, these simple actions can help prevent the spread of diseases and contribute to overall well-being. 

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Championing Childhood

Investing in child protection is investing in a brighter, more equitable future.#STEM#Mercy Corps

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Bridging Gaps

Education is the bridge that lifts marginalized and poor children out of poverty, empowering them to build a brighter future. # MercyCorps

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Education for Every Child

Providing all children with access to quality education by addressing barriers such as poverty, limited resources, and geographic challenges, with the goal of creating inclusive learning opportunities that help children reach their full potential.

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Ensuring Education for Children during Disaster

Ensuring that every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to quality education. 

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Skills to Thrive

Empowering women by providing market-relevant skills, entrepreneurship training, personal development, and mentorship to overcome challenges, achieve financial independence, and create sustainable livelihoods, fostering leadership, and inspiring community-wide transformation.

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"Empower HER"

Creating a pathway for women to achieve economic independence, strengthen their leadership roles, and contribute to the broader development of society, breaking barriers, and building a more inclusive and equitable future. #Ipas Nepal

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Invest in Her Dreams, Build Our Future

Adolescent girls are actively preparing an advocacy agenda to present to the provincial government for investment in girls during the Girls Summit in Dhangadhi, 2080 BS.

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Eco Smart Stove

"Local people are preparing climate-friendly and gender-friendly cooking stoves by raw mud." #IpasNepal

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Youth-led action vs. climate change

An orientation program for adolescents and youth on climate change, gender, sexual, and reproductive health.

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First Aid: Skills for Life-Saving

Volunteers from Wards 15 and 17 of Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City participating in first aid training, #Ipas.

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Preparedness in Action

Building Resilience: Search and Rescue Training and Simulation in
Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City #Ipas 

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Girls not Brides

Alerting provincial and local governments to prioritize investing in girls.

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Girls not Brides

The Provincial Girls' Conference for ending child marriage and other harmful practices by empowering adolescent girls.

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Be the Change, Volunteer Today

FAYA volunteer team is always eager to be

deployed for emergency response.

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Together we can make a Difference

Chure Rural Municipality, Kailali, receives a portable USG machine.

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Together we can make a Change.

Empowering FCHVs  to provide  healthcare information on their communities.

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Together we can make a Difference

Commitment to Enhancing Health-Seeking Behavior among Mothers and Children

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Give a little, Change a lot.

Health Mothers Group meetings serve as vital tools for disseminating knowledge at the household level.

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Healthy pregnancy Healthy Life

Our team visits expectant mothers in their homes to provide personalized counseling
and guidance on birth preparedness.

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About Us

FAYA Nepal is a non-governmental, apolitical, and not-for-profit organization based in Sudurpashchim Province, Nepal. It is dedicated to empowering marginalized communities through inclusive, rights-based initiatives

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How We work

We collaborate closely with governmental, non-governmental, private sectors, academic institutions, and partner/donor agencies, all while centralizing a participatory, inclusive, and human rights-based approach.

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Mission Statement

FAYA Nepal is dedicated to fostering sustainable development, aiming to create lasting positive change in communities. Our mission is to drive prosperity through inclusive and impactful initiatives.


"FAYA Nepal is driving initiatives aimed at improving maternal and child health, enhancing public health measures, and empowering marginalized communities. The organization also focuses on strengthening leadership and advocacy skills among women and marginalized groups, fostering inclusive and sustainable development."


Income generation program through group mobilization

Mobilizing groups to unlock the power of shared growth and opportunity.

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Strengthening the role of civil society and women in Democracy and Governance (SAMARPAN)

"Strong women, strong communities, and stronger governance."

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Governance Literacy Class

"Empowering Communities Through Governance Literacy"

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Strengthened Action for Governance in Utilization of Natural Resources Program (SAGUN

Advancing Governance for Sustainable Natural Resource Management

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Low-cost housing for Freed Kamaiya

Low-Cost Housing for Freed Kamaiya

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Social Inclusion and Peace Building Project

"We will not have peace in the world until we recognize the interconnectedness of humanity and the equal worth of every individual."

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Featured Campaigns

Story of Khairala Health Post part-one

"Khairala, located in Ward No. 2 of Chure Rural Municipality, faces significant challenges in accessing healthcare. The local population struggles with inadequate health facility buildings, and the remoteness of the area makes it difficult for residents to receive essential health services."

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Recent Stories

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needs more helping!

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SRI technology prevents the migration of Bed Pd. Upadhyaya

SRI technology should be promoted using the Farmer’s Field School approach, with additional support for farmers in the form of weeders and irrigation. This would help them combat the hunger caused by flooding.

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विद्यालयको भवन सवलिकरणबाट सुरक्षित अध्ययन वातावरण

धनगढी नगरपालिका वडा नं. ७ स्थित राष्ट्रिय माध्यमिक विद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरू अहिले सुरक्षित र भयमुक्त वातावरणमा अध्ययन गर्न पाउँदा अत्यन्तै खुसी छन्। यो परिवर्तन फाया नेपाल र अक्सफामद्वारा सञ्चालित शहरी जोखिम व्यवस्थापन परियोजना को सहयोगले सम्भव भएको हो।परियोजनाले विद्यालयको सबैभन्दा पुरानो र जिर्ण भवनलाई सवलिकरण (Retrofitting) गरी पुनः प्रयोगयोग्य बनाएको छ।सवलिकरण केवल भवन पुनर्निर्माण प्रक्रिया मात्र होइनयो बालबालिकाको सुरक्षित भविष्य निर्माण गर्ने अभियान हो!

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जमुनाले लिन सकिन् घटना दर्ता प्रमाणपत्रहरु

फाया नेपाल  अक्सफाम द्घारा संचालित महिला सशक्तिकरण केन्द«को बारेमा थाहा पाइन् र आफुले न्याय पाइन्छ कि भन्ने आसा सहित केन्द«मा सहभागि भइन् घरबाट निकालिएकी जमुना आफ्नो कागजि प्रमाण लिन सफल भइन् अब उनी समुहका महिलाहरुलाई आफुले पाएको सफलताको कुरा सिकाउदै आफ्नो  कानुनी अधिकार प्राप्तिका प्रकियामा छिन्।

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मलाइ मर्न हैन बाँच्न मन छ अव

केयर नेपाल र फाया नेपालको साझेदारीमा संचालित उज्यालो परियोजनामा प्राविधिक शिक्षा पढाउन सकिने अवसर थियो

यसै विचमा फाया नेपाल संग केयर नेपाल संगको साझेदारीमा संचालित मानसी परियोजना (नवजात शिशु र गर्भवती सुत्केरी आमाहरुको स्वास्थ्य सुधार कार्यक्रम ) चार वर्षका लागि लागु भयो।इन्दिरा २०६४ सालमा फाया नेपालको तर्फबाट स्वास्थ्य सहजकर्ता भएर गाँउ गाँउमा जान थालिन।

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एच.आई.भी. मा ब्यवहार परिवर्तन

यसै बिचमा फाया नेपाल र केएर नेपाल संगको साझेदारीमा युरोपियन कमिसनको आर्थिक सहयोगमा सुरक्षित पाईला कार्यक्रम हाम्रो गाविसमा पनि संचालन भएको थियो।कार्यक्रमका साथी शिक्षकले कामको खोजीमा जाने मानीसलाई र तिनका जोडीलाई एच.आई.भी. र एड्सको बारेमा मलाई जानकारी दिए 

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सघन खेतिको बारेमा लल्कु कठरियाको अनुभव

अन्तयमा लल्कुले थपे यसका लागि सिचाई र गोड्ने मसिनको सरकारले ब्यवस्था गरिदिनु पर्दछ  यसकालागि हामि जागरुक हुन जरुरी छ।

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जंगल बन्यो मुक्त कमैयाको बाँच्ने आधार

 हामीले पनि सोचेका थिएनौ बेसरम उम्रेको खल्लामा यस्तो खेती होला भनेर साँच्चै नसोचेकै भयो शिवनगर मुक्त कमैया शिविरकै श्यामप्रसाद चौधरीले स्पष्ट पारे हामी पनि अलिकति बिश्वास धेरै अविश्वास गरेर समुदायका लागि वन वातावरण मञ्चका शेरबहादुर सरको कुरा काट्न नसकेर जंगलको खेतीमा लागेका थियौ।तर अचम्म भयो खल्लामा त काक्राभिन्डीधनियापालुङ्गमूला गजव भयो त्यसपछि त आफुले पनि खान पायौ

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रिफ्लेक्टका महिला समुहले बनाए बगरमा सामुदायिक वन

हामीले साउनमा रिफ्लेक्टमा छलफल गरे देखि नै सामुदायिक वनमा हाम्रो पनि अधिकार हुँदो रहेछ।यसका लागि हामीले पनि प्रयास गर्नु पर्दो रहेछ भनेर प्रयास गरिरहेका थियौं।

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आर्थिक जागरूकता र सशक्तिकरण

परियोजनाले प्रवासी कामदारहरुको परिवारलाई वित्तिय साक्षरता कक्षा मार्फत प्राप्त विप्रेषणको उत्पादनमुलक क्षेत्रमा सदुपयोग र संभावित उप क्षेत्रहरुको बारेमा जानकारी दिइएको थियो ।

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“चटपट व्यापारबाट जीवनशैलीमा सुधार हुँदै”

सानो चटपट व्यापारबाट दैनिक २०० देखि ३०० सम्म आम्दानी हुदॉ चन्द्रामाया भुजेलको परिवारको स्थितीमा सुधारदेखिदै छ।

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“पहिले हेला गरेर जिस्क्याउनेहरु अहिले राम्रो गयौं भन्छन् ”

रिच आउट टु एशियाको आर्थिक सहयोगमा एक्सनएडद्वारा प्रदान गरिएको छात्रवृत्ति कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत श्री कृष्णउच्च मा.वि. कृष्णपुरकञ्चनपुरमा अध्ययनरत पवित्रा राउटे अहिले भेटनरी विषयमा जेटिए गर्दैछिन।आफ्नो पढाईको लागि एक्सनएडमार्फत सहयोग प्राप्त भएकोमा उनी खुसी हुँदै यसो भन्छिन फाया नेपाल संस्थाले सहयोग गरेर पढ्न पाएँ नत्र मलाई आफैं पढ्न गाहे थियो। 

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सुधाको संघर्ष र प्रतिबद्धता उनको सफलताको यात्रा र प्रेरणाको स्रोत बन्न पुगेको छ

कसैले थप सहयोग गरेमा अझै पढ्छु नभए यो उत्तिर्ण भएपछि पहिले लोकसेवाबाट लिने परीक्षामा सामेल भई सरकारी जागिर खान्छु नपाए सरसापट गरी केही पैसा जुटाएर गाउँमै आयुर्वेदिक क्लिनिक खोल्ने विचार गरेको छु।उनले आफ्नो भावी सोच यसरी बताईन।

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A Changemaker in HIV and AIDS Awareness

“This work is more than a responsibility; it’s my passion. I feel proud to be part of the solution and to contribute to a healthier, safer community.”

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जैबिक तट्बन्धबाट खुशी छन कृष्णनगर बासी

फाया नेपालद्वारा ड्यान चर्च एडको सहयोगमा अधिकारमुखी प्रकोप जोखिम ब्यवस्थापन परियोजना थापापुर गाबिसमा संचालनमा रहेको छ।

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धान खेतीमा नयां तरिका, बिश्वास बढायो खैलाडबासीलाइ

पांच कट्ठामा फाया नेपाल द्धारा समुहमार्फतसंचालन गरिएको यो एस. आर. आई धान खेती बिधीले खैलाड बासी लाई उत्साह थपेको छ।

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केन्द्रको प्रयासले सिता खुसी भईन

दार्चुला जिल्लाबाट धनगढी झरेकी सिता धामी (धनगढी १शान्तिनगर) धेरै लामो प्रयास पछी कानुनी उपचार प्राप्त गर्न सकेकोमा खुशी छिन।

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Breaking the Silence: Step towards a healthier, more informed community

Reproductive health problems are widely prevalent but highly stigmatized issues across Nepal, and Chure Rural Municipality is no exception. 

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